3 Quick Fixes For Your Microwave Problems


A microwave is a great invention that can really hurry up the food preparation process. A broken microwave can really put a hitch in your food-making style. Here are a few quick fixes to common microwave issues you may encounter. #1 Running But Not Heating If the timer on your microwave is working, and the turn table is moving, but your microwave is not producing any heat, the issue could be really simple.

26 September 2017

When You Should Replace Or Repair Kitchen Appliances


Kitchen appliances are some of the most hard-working in your home and are likely to break down from time to time. You will need to get these in working condition in the shortest time possible. Should you repair or replace your broken appliance? Before you consider repairing or replacing your appliance, confirm that it is actually broken. This may sound obvious,  but you do not want to repair or replace your appliance only to find out later that it was not broken in the first place.

26 September 2017